My Ferrum Story

Jordan Mchale
1 min readApr 4, 2021


I’ve cried a lot due to my job this year and so when my teenager caught me tearing up at my computer earlier this week, she gave a reluctant sign of concern.

Daughter: Now what?

Me: There is this Ureeqa project …

Daughter: Huh?

Me: It’s a progressive project that is launching a platform where artists like your friend Sofia would be able to upload their work, where it can be protected.

Daughter: <Blank stare>

Me: The first batch of UREEQA tokens arrived today.

Daughter: Great, so what’s wrong?

Me: Nothing’s wrong.

Daughter: <Another blank stare>

Me: Do you remember when I told you what a TGE is?

Daughter: <A blank stare with a tinge of frustration>

Me: Let’s just say between Ureeqa and other great projects that come through Ferrum, I feel like I have the financial freedom to take another job, even if it doesn’t pay as well.

Daughter: Those are tears of joy? You had me worried. Next time, please start with “Spoiler alert. These are happy tears.”

Me: You got it.

Ferrum Network

Youtube: Ferrum Network

